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How to Slow-dance With Your Website’s SEO For Success

You must have often come across the word SEO or its expansion – Search Engine Optimization while developing your website. What you would not know is that SEO is a slow process. It is extremely effective but takes a few months to boomerang success. 91% of all web pages on the internet never get any organic traffic from Google. Mostly because these web pages are not search engine optimized. SEO makes your website noticeable on the web. SEO is the path to bring in hot leads. SEO will walk your website to success.

What is SEO?

Search engine optimization is a process of getting website traffic for free. It basically involves optimizing your website content to make it more discoverable to the search engines and the users. It is carried out by increasing your website’s ranking to make the search engines see you. SEO is built on the foundation of keywords, activity and backlinks. More about that in the later sections of the blog. 

Why Does Your Website Need SEO?

Your website is good to be on the internet but it is important for it to be visible on the internet. To prove this for you, let’s think about how you search on the internet. When you perform a Google search, you click on one of the first ten sites on the results page, don’t you? But there are a hundred more links in the subsequent pages of the search engine results. Are you thinking, “Whaaat? There are more pages?” Well, yes. There are plenty more but we never have a look at it. 75% of people never scroll past the first page of search engines

“The best place to hide a dead body is page two of Google.” — Unknown

It is senseless for your website to appear anywhere else except on the first page of search results. SEO will do it for you. And that is why your website CANNOT go live without SEO in place. 

Nuts and Bolts of SEO

The Nuts and Bolts of SEO

To search engine optimize your website, let’s decode the key elements of SEO.

1) Keywords

If I am craving for some ice cream, I will type in, “Ice cream near me”. If your website sells ice cream and is search engine optimized, it will appear on top of my search results. “Ice cream” is the keyword that I (as a user) used. So your website must use the same keyword in order to help me find it. To find out which are suitable keywords for your website, you need to sink into a keyword research. 

1) Activity

A dormant website is like the kid who sleeps on the back bench at class. The student does not get anything useful out of the class. To understand and benefit from the class, the student needs to be actively listening/asking. The student is your website and the class is the search engine. If your website needs to be discovered, it has to be active.

3) Backlinking

A popular analogy to understand the concept of backlinking is that of the spider’s. For a new spider to make its way into the spider-web, a spider from inside the web must extend a helping hand. The new spider is your website, the spider-web is the internet and the other spider is an existing, highly ranked by the search engine website on the internet. 

On-Page SEO

On-Page SEO
Keywords and activity for SEO can be implemented on the website itself and so comes under “on-page SEO”. You might think keywords can be implemented in the website copy. Yes, that should be done but that is not all. There are multiple elements on the website where keywords can be powerful. 

1) URL

URL is the text that you type in to find your website. For instance the URL to find Hackowls’ Blogs is Your URL should be short but detailed with a keyword phrase. If your website sells ice creams, your URL should have the keywords “buy-ice-cream”. It is easier to read and understand with hyphens or forward/slashes instead of underscores between words. URL is the first thing a search engine notices in your website.

2) Meta Title and Meta Description

The meta title and description appears on the search engine results page. The structure of results displays the URL, meta title and then the meta description. Meta title is the bigger text in blue and the meta description is the smaller text in grey. These should be customized by using keywords. Although you should avoid keyword stuffing, do not overuse your keyword too many times. Search engines are clever and can identify your attempt to manipulate your website’s ranking. 

3) H1 Header Tag

Your website will have many lines of text. Search engines will first notice the content in H1 tags. These tags tell the search engine what your website is about. Your header tags should include the keyword to attract the search engine. It should additionally be descriptive and precise to attract the viewer. Furthermore, it is good to use keywords in the paragraph and subheading texts.

4) Images

The search engines do not understand the visuals in images/videos/GIFs. To notify the search engines what your image is about, you must include the keywords in the title of the image and its alt tag. Alt tag is basically like a description of your image. 

Off-Page SEO

Off-Page SEO
Off-page SEO is independent of keywords. It happens outside your website. Linking your website with other websites will account to off-page SEO. Some ways to increase your backlinks are to display your news articles on your website through a backlink. Or when your guest bloggers link their guest posts with their website. You could also link your testimonials to the person’s profile elsewhere.

Backlinking increases your website’s Page Authority (PA) and Domain Authority (DA). PA is the representation of the score that the search engines will give your web page based on the number of backlinks your webpage has. These are in between 1 (low) and 100 (high). When individual pages from your website have high PA, your DA will automatically shoot up.  

When you implement all the above where it belongs, your website is good to go live. But that is not the end. Your website must be constantly active with updates like that of new images, new testimonials, new product additions or new blogs. This happens over-time. Now therefore SEO is a time consuming process. When you think SEO, think LONG TERM.  

“Slow and steady wins the SEO race.”  — Unknown

Your website will hit the jackpot with SEO on its chart. There are many tools to measure the progress of your website and its SEO. Constant monitoring and improvising your SEO will give you an idea of what strategy works best for your website. If you follow everything that this blog proposed, you will have your best foot forward and in due course, enjoy the fruits of SEO by leveraging its power. If you are still unsure of how to go ahead with it, we will be of your service



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