Grow your business digitally
1) Starting small to scale big

There is no defined rulebook or schema to develop a digital enterprise, every model is unique and its success lies in strategic implementation with well-thought goals. Constant upgradations and brainstorming in digital transformation play a vital role in the evolution of all great brands. No big company in present had a well-established plan back then, they all began with an intuitive vision and took their first step and eventually, the following steps were built on the go with parallel learning and application.
Just as we start with value and not data, in the digital era as you start little and eventually you will end up scaling mountain size benefits. The best part about the digital industry is it is very vast and there is a tailor-made solution possible for every vision, it emerges out of expert insights, smart analytical solutions and strategic trials. Working on mere plans alone wouldn’t fetch the desired outcome, flexibility is the key. At every step there should be a breathing phase to pivot the direction of progress based on trends and circumstances, that could enable growth without losing control.
2) Understanding what works

We have read so much about startup becoming leaders in their fields while competing with well-established brands with the help of viral marketing followed by making direct sales to customers. The power of technology is well realised when we understand that it bridges the gap between the basic and the raw needs, for example in Swiggy getting food is the basic need while the raw need is the customers’ comfort to get it at doorsteps. Even more importantly putting the least effort to find the best food and order it in the most seamless fashion failing which people may not want to return to the app next time. Considering the fact, any business would have its very own raw and basic needs and developing a digital asset that could bridge the gap would surely be a hit.
Digital marketing plans include engagement, branding, customer relations and increased sales. A marketing campaign can help you access your targeted audiences easily and provoke their interests on your brand effectively. With old fashioned techniques we paid for ad campaigns and never understood if it worked but in the digital era Analytics is the saviour. From analytics, it is easy to deduce what works and what doesn’t. Which design is observed longer and what strategies help in massive conversions and much more. By this process, we can technically scale up the impact of digital promotions at every phase making huge profits.
3) Keeping the end-users in mind

Large industrial companies should deploy digital implementation with a wide-ranging set of aims. Until there are no clearly defined goals for digital upscaling how much ever you invest the growth feel spineless. Understanding your core and finding a few pain points to attend will be a great way to niche down to your ideal and effective digital transition goal. It could be anything from establishing a community with existing and prospective end-users to building brand image and awareness to boost a company’s value or anything in between. It can be more that one but it should be clearly defined.
Setting multiple aims and working in various dimensions on several digital platforms is good in a way, as it will garner wide attention of people and leave your presence as a part of their lifestyle. Know your customers and understand for them it is about them and not you. Always prioritise their needs and the value you are to provide. This could make a huge positive impact.
4) Bringing the right talents together
Dreamers and doers are the perfect combinations of business growth. Having a dream to work towards is important. It is very important to run the business now with marketing, management, developing and digital adaptations but it is equally important to have a vision for placing your business in the future technology that is to evolve 10-20 years down the line. It is like mixing concrete for a room manually and working towards tools that can one day help in laying concretes for a big monument. This way the company can move forward and also make money in this journey towards growth.
Just as technology is inevitable so is a skilled brain. An ideal team would consist of energetic young brains with existing experts as this could set a balance in seeding new innovative ideas with well-thought strategies making a successful digital presence. Many Chinese Organisations idealises the concept of success in digital era evolves around the access to talents from product design to digital scaling.
The bonus tip – Google My Business
Make your business searchable with powerful tools like google my business. As most of the traction flows through google search engines it is more than important to set up a presence on the google my business. This will improve the SEO of your website and also add more credibility to your digital presence. By registering in google business the company is also made visible on google maps.
Being present in the giant search engines very own directory is a go-to thing for establishing the digital presence. People can also get a quick insight into your timing, sales, promotion, events, location, reviews and more. People can get an overview of your business and in the bottom can find CTAs like a call button, direction and a direct link to head towards your website. It also has an insights link based on your business that gives a new way to share content with their circle. Having set this right is a check to the “first impression is the best” list.
Following the 2020 pandemic either the economy would get better or it would go down but in either case, digital transformation will be mandatory – “Survival of the smartest this time”.
In the digital era the content ages 6x faster. To keep acquainted with the growing information it is essential to stay proactive digitally. Websites are an inevitable part of digital presence and can give astounding financial growth if harnessed effectively. There are several other aspects to indulge in with digital techs that can collectively be super fruitful in your journey to success. Want to know how, drop us a message and let us talk about it. Want to read more about it, find our other blogs of this 8 part series in the link below